2023.02.07 新刊『アンチモラル』配信開始しました
2023.01.06 『真怪ウツロガミ』制作決定
2022.09.29 『淫楽の供物設定資料集』リリースしました
2022.08.05 『淫楽の供物』リリースしました

Owner : 旋牙闇霧(SENGA MIGIRI)
Regardless of any cicumstances, reasons, or purposes,
using the art featured on this site without the permission of the artists is strictly prohibited.
Even if the purpose is to pay respect to the artists or to admire the works of art created by them,
reproduction of the art featured on this site without permission is absolutley forbidden.
Despite what in your view is a positive intention, reproducing and reprinting
the works of the artists on this site without permission is a major insult to the artists and the works of art they have created.
In conclusion, please do not steal or link to the art featured on this site for ANY reason!
Thank you for your cooperation.